Nicholas Love

Nicholas Love - World Institute on Disability

Nicholas Love is the Director of Community Inclusion at WID. Nicholas focuses on systems, policies, and tools for optimizing full community inclusion for people with disabilities. He also manages and supports each of the state-specific websites and tools under the Disability Benefits 101 (DB101) and Housing Benefits 101 (HB101) programs.

Nicholas is a national speaker and advocate for diversity and social justice with nearly two decades of experience in competitive integrated employment. In his career he has created and managed several programs/projects that serve people with disabilities, including a state-wide WIPA (benefits) program, an Employment Network, and numerous demonstration projects to improve employment outcomes and economic wellbeing for people with disabilities. He is a Certified Community Work Incentive Coordinator and a Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner with a degree in Holistic Healthcare with a concentration in Mind Body Transformational Psychology.

Utilizing tools and programs that drive and respond to policies that direct system-change and full community integration for people with disabilities

Nicholas’s passion is education on diversity and equality. He has been speaking on and fighting for disability issues and gender and sexual minorities nationally for over 25 years. He likes to combine knowledge and entertainment to change cultural perceptions.

In 2010, he was awarded the Martin Luther King: Living the Dream Award. In 2013, he was honored as one of the 100 Trans making a difference in America.